Join us on Wednesday afternoons for casual choral singing offering a variety of genres and styles as a no commitment drop-in opportunity. These one hour afternoon sessions will also explore local performance options. Come and join Forte Plus for an hour of singing some new, some old and some completely unexpected songs and workshop experiences. Discover more about your own voice and how it blends with others, all while exploring various genres and styles. No experience necessary.
Our History
We thought a Forte Plus would be a small drop-in type of approach which would allow seniors in particular to come and go as per their own schedules. But then it turned into so much more. We meet on Wednesday afternoons and we started by singing 4 or 5 new songs at each of our one-hour sessions for September and October until we switched to Christmas music in November. Forte Plus began to evolve and develop in earnest and before we knew it, they were "touring" local senior residences with a small Christmas show complete with a touching story about the simple gift of a bicycle. We did that tour with 30 singers.
And that made us realize that there could easily be a reader's theatre troupe for seniors which would see them performing with Forte Plus. We called them Seniors Acting Out Together (aka SAOT)! Together, SAOT and Forte Plus tackled an interesting approach to Fiddler On The Roof which was presented as a free admission concert in April which saw them raise money for the local Food Bank as a way of giving back to the community. Forte Plus is still meeting on Wednesday afternoons through May and enjoying singing "spring" songs and Canadiana content.
Join us on Wednesday afternoons for casual choral singing offering a variety of genres and styles as a no commitment drop-in opportunity. These one hour afternoon sessions will also explore local performance options. Come and join Forte Plus for an hour of singing some new, some old and some completely unexpected songs and workshop experiences. Discover more about your own voice and how it blends with others, all while exploring various genres and styles. No experience necessary.
Our Mission
What drives us as human beings to want to do this? To work this hard together at something that is sometimes viewed as "just for fun" or "extra" to our "real" lives.
I put to you that what we do together as artists is quite simply life affirming. Our sense of community, connection and creativity is fed.
We work hard together towards a singular outcome. This means we must engage our ears, our feelings, our shared understandings and our collective imagination. We get to be a part of something bigger than ourselves.
The arts can help us understand history, culture and even our own lives. We are the vessels through which an audience can experience feelings more deeply. The arts are fundamental to our humanity.
When words fail, we as artists can give a look or arch an eyebrow or change our posture or our tone and inflection. When words fail, we can sing.
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